Oshiomhole a “pathological liar”, we didn't register 8,000 militants as voters - PDP - EazyFeeds

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Sunday 11 September 2016

Oshiomhole a “pathological liar”, we didn't register 8,000 militants as voters - PDP

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) yesterday described Edo State governor, Adams Oshiomole as a liar for accusing the party of registering 8,000 militants as prospective voters for the forthcoming governorship election.
The party also said that no number of postponements of the polls would save the All Progressives Congress (APC) from being buried in the forthcoming election.
PDP, in a statement by its spokesman, Prince Dayo Ad­eyeye said, “The allegation by the Executive Governor of Edo state that the PDP regis­tered 8,000 militants for the forthcoming election in the state is not only wild, but stu­pid and totally unreasonable. It is another falsehood being peddled by a man known to be a pathological liar. A man who has no respect for the truth.

“In the first instance, we wish to put before Governor Oshiomhole the following per­tinent questions, where and when did the PDP register the so called militants? Were they registered by INEC? If not which organization registered them? Were they registered as voters or as Observers? For what purpose? And when did Mr Oshiomhole suddenly dis­covered the registration of the alleged militants?
“These are the pertinent questions Governor Oshiom­hole should answer. No per­ceptible person will take any­thing coming from Governor Oshiomhole serious given his well known reputation for fab­ricating lies.
“Nigerians will recall that it was the same Governor Ad­ams Oshiomhole who after returning from an official visit with President Buhari to the United States of America said that one American official told them while they were in the United State that over six bil­lion dollars was found in the account of a former Nigerian Minister. Neither the Presi­dent nor any other member of the official delegation said they heard any such state­ment. Mr Oshiomhole kept on repeating this lie until an American embassy officials had to publicly repudiate him. Yet the shameless Governor offered no public apology for misleading Nigerians.”
The party pointed out that lies have finally caught up with the governor, adding that Edo people now have the opportu­nity of removing themselves from the yoke of oppression Governor Oshiomole had sub­jected them to over the years.
It said: “The lies of Osh­iomhole has finally caught up with him. After eight years of unbridled propaganda and deception, the day of reckon­ing is finally here. The people of Edo state now have the op­portunity to remove the yoke of oppression and misman­agement. The APC has merely used this excuse to postpone the date of their final burial in Edo state. Since the party is al­ready dead the date of its buri­al must surely come no matter how far they keep postponing.
“We wish to warn that Governor Oshiomhole and his cohorts must not use this lie to tamper with the voters register, nor should it be used to embark on unwarranted arrest, harassment and in­timidation of our members in Edo state. The security agen­cies must recognize that their responsibilities are to the en­tire people of Nigeria and not only to one political party, the APC.”

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