DSS Has no Power to Arrest for Corruption, Only on Internal Security Matters – See Act Establishing Service - EazyFeeds

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Sunday 9 October 2016

DSS Has no Power to Arrest for Corruption, Only on Internal Security Matters – See Act Establishing Service

Where did the SSS get its mandate to arrest judges? Here is the National Security Act.


An Act to disband the Nigerian Security Organisation and to create three security agencies, charging each with the conduct of the relevant aspect of the national security and other related matters.

[1986 No. 19.)

[5thJune, 1986]

1.     Establishment of National Security Agencies

There shall, for the effective conduct of national security, be established
the following National Security Agencies, that is to say-

(a)    the Defence Intelligence Agency;

(b)    the National Intelligence Agency; and

(c)    the State Security Service.

2.     General duties of the National Security Agencies

(1)    The Defence Intelligence Agency shall be charged with responsibility

(a)    the prevention and detection of crime of a military nature against
the security of Nigeria;

(b)    the protection and preservation of all military classified matters
concerning the security of Nigeria, both within and outside Nigeria;

(c)    such other responsibilities affecting defence intelligence of a
military nature, both within and outside Nigeria, as the President, or the
Chief of Defence Staff, as the case may be, may deem necessary.

(2)    The National Intelligence Agency shall be charged with
responsibility for-

(a)    the general maintenance of the security of Nigeria outside Nigeria,
concerning matters that are not related to military issues; and

(b)    such other responsibilities affecting national intelligence outside
Nigeria as the National Defence Councilor the President, as the case may
be, may deem necessary.

(3)    The State Security Service shall be charged with responsibility for-

(a)    the prevention and detection within Nigeria of any crime against the
internal security of Nigeria;

(b)    the protection and preservation of all non-military classified
matters concerning the internal security of Nigeria; and

(c)    such other responsibilities affecting internal security within
Nigeria as the National Assembly or the President, as the case may be, may
deem necessary.

(4)    The provisions of subsections (I), (2) and (3) of this section shall
have effect notwithstanding the provisions of any other law to the
contrary, or any matter therein mentioned.

(5)    In this section, “classified matter” has the same meaning assigned
thereto in section 9 of the Official Secrets Act.

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