Buhari Vows to Jail Corrupt Judges Says No Budget Padding in 2017 - EazyFeeds

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Saturday 26 November 2016

Buhari Vows to Jail Corrupt Judges Says No Budget Padding in 2017

President Muham­madu Buhari has vowed not to allow next year’s budget, which he is set to present to the National Assembly next week, suffer the fate of the 2016 Budget which had sev­eral rogue projects and fig­ures inserted into it.
Playing host to members of the Governance Support Group (GSG), led by Hon. Chukwuemeka Nwajiuba, at the State House yesterday, the president said he would scrutinise the 2017 fiscal document thoroughly and yank off any fraudulent in­sertion.

“I am waiting for the 2017 Budget to be brought to us in Council. Any sign of padding anywhere, I will remove it”, he told his guests.
The President said the government stood by its tri­pod campaign promises of securing the country, reviv­ing the economy, and fight­ing corruption, but lamented that some people are delib­erately turning blind eyes to prevailing realities in the country.
“They don’t want to re­flect on the situation in which we are, economically. They want to live the same way; they simply want busi­ness as usual,” he said.
On violence that attend rerun elections in the coun­try, the president said he “ag­onized over the elections in Kogi, Bayelsa and Rivers states.
Speaking on the anti-corruption cases before the courts, Buhari said he be­lieved the cleansing currently going on “will lead to a bet­ter judiciary. When people are sentenced, Nigerians will believe that we are serious.”
President Buhari equally told his guests that the pro­gress being made in agricul­ture and exploitation of solid minerals gives a lot of hope.
“Our grains go up to Central African Republic, to Burkina Faso, but they can’t buy all the grains harvested this year. And next season should be even better.”
Speaking on behalf of members of GSG, Hon. Nwajiuba said the govern­ment had succeeded to a large extent on the security and anti-corruption fronts, adding that the group was positive that the economy would soon experience a turnaround, “as the govern­ment is working very hard in that direction.”

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