PRESS RELEASE: The Nigerian Wailers Wishes President Buhari a Happy Birthday, reminds him of Hardship In Nigeria. - EazyFeeds

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Saturday 17 December 2016

PRESS RELEASE: The Nigerian Wailers Wishes President Buhari a Happy Birthday, reminds him of Hardship In Nigeria.

We want to congratulate the President of Nigeria, Mr. Muhammadu Buhari on the occasion and celebration of his birth, we wish him a happy birthday. On an occasion as this, it should be a time for the celebrant to reflect on his deeds and see to how he can do things according to the fear, teachings and guidance of God Almighty which we are all accountable to after our life here on earth.

The President who may have reasons to thank God almighty for his personal accomplishments, should also know that the state of the nation, entrusted to his hand since May 29, 2015 has been so unfavourable to the Nigerian masses.

Since the assumption of office as President, Nigerians had hoped that Buhari's reign will bring blessings, and solutions to the problems befalling the nation; such problems as Boko Haram, Corruption, Economic downturn, poverty, hunger, Education, Healthcare, and most critically, the issues of erratic power supply that has subjected most household to total darkness. In addition are bad road networks, internal security, protection of lives and properties of the citizens, free speech, improved democracy e.t.c., but instead, the problems are now worse than they initially were.

The President has not fair nor performed well in tackling any of the problems facing the country. Expectations and hopes of the people have been dashed, and many are expressing doubt that it can't get better, even before the expiration of his tenure in 2019.

Under President Buhari, corruption has become uglier than it was. A recent indictment of his Secretary to Government of Federation Babachir Lawal, Chief of Army Staff Buratai, Minister of Transportation Rotimi Amaechi, Minister of Solid Minerals Mr Kayode Fayemi, Minister of power Mr Babatunde Fashola, illegally Acting Chairman of EFCC Ibrahim Magu  e.t.c are examples of how bad corruption has become under his nose.

Electricity availability have become near non existence; businesses are folding up, job loss is in its highest since the advent of democracy. The number of children dropping out of school has increased, and more Nigerians have been brutalized and massacred by state security forces under the watchful eyes of President Buhari and he seems not bothered about them.

Democracy has been in the state of total clampdown, subverted and subdued, as Police, Army, SARS and other security forces have now replaced thugs. They freely and openly snatch election ballot boxes and intimidate voters in favor of Mr. Buhari's ruling All Progressive Congress (APC). This was manifested in the recent election held in Rivers as captured on Video and Pictorial evidences, circulating In the media for all Nigerians to see. Impunity and flagrant disobedient to court orders under Buhari's regime is unimaginable and unprecedented.

We want the President to know that Nigeria, more than ever needs healing, unity, peace and love. The nation has been more divided under Buhari than any President that has ruled Nigeria. The economy is tending towards a total collapse, we are in critical recession. President Buhari's government must know that the nation is shutting down economically because, his spokesman, Mr. Garba Shehu has announced that Nigerians will experience Famine in 2017.

We are therefore forced to ask that, what is the usefulness of a government that will watch her citizens killed by hunger, starvation, poverty, anguish and brutality by the government security forces? Why will such government wants to remain in the office instead of resigning to allow by giving the competent hands the chance to come in to salvage the economic situation of the country?

It is worrisome that with over N10 trillion budgeted for 2015 and 2016, there is no tangible and visible achievements by the Buhari's administration. The President has made more noise about fighting corruption than actually fighting it and working to return the Nation to the path of economic boom.

We urge Mr President to focus on how to use the the N7.3 Trillion budget for 2017, currently before the Senate, to upturn the severely damage economy under his watch rather than creating more bottle necks that will not allow the good people of Nigeria to feel the impact of the budget in their lives.

We want the President to use the occasion of his birthday to reflect on and correct all the problems and challenges the Nigerian people are facing daily, which many of them were created by his government. We want to state it that, many Nigerians have lost hope In his leadership, because what the President focuses his time and energies chasing may not take the nation out of the present economic doldrums, if cares are not taken.

As the President goes into merry-making with members of his families and friends celebrating beautiful personal achievements, he should also see to how the Nigeria state will be returned to the path of greatness as handed over to him in 2015.

Usman Abubakar.
Ag. NPS, Nigerian Wailers
Headquarters, FCT, Abuja.

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