President Buhari is Suffering From Cancer - Online Media Reveals - EazyFeeds

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Monday 7 August 2017

President Buhari is Suffering From Cancer - Online Media Reveals

Online newspaper, Sahara Reporters states that recent visits to President Buhari in London was staged by the cabal to give the impression that the president has recovered The newspaper reports that such impression is far from the reality that the president’s health is deteriorating
The medium says Buhari’s doctors have discouraged moves by the cabal to return the president to Nigeria Online newspaper, Sahara Reporters, has reported that the undisclosed medical condition which President Muhammadu Buhari is battling with is cancer related. According to the online newspaper, sources close to Buhari’s inmost associates had long disclosed that the president was beset by cancer.

The newspaper which made the disclosure in a report dated August 6, 2017, also stated that recent visits to Buhari in London was staged by the cabal around the president to give the impression that the president had miraculously recovered. Sahara Reporters however stated that such impression is far from the reality that the president’s health is deteriorating.

 Citing a source, the medium stated that the highly publicized visits were designed to create the appearance that Buhari was regaining his health and was prepared to resume in office. It reported that Buhari’s ability to receive visitors was no indication of improved health, but came after his completion of a course of treatment that lasted three months. According to sources, since the completion of that course of treatment, the president occasionally enjoys momentary relief. “He can see people and sit for a little bit of time, but that does not mean he is healed as his doctors are yet to conclude that he is free of the disease afflicting him,” one of the sources said.

They added that the president had not regained his health and had lost so much weight that he is “padded” just before his meetings with governors and politicians. A source also stated that members of the cabal around Buhari had pressurized him to return to Nigeria so they could use the president’s presence as a ruse to manipulate policies and politics to serve their individual interests, but that the idea was discouraged by the president’s doctors.

The newspaper also stated that one of the governors who recently saw Buhari revealed that the ailing president “is only okay a few hours some days. And it takes a lot of work to prepare him for meeting people”. It reported that Mrs. Buhari had earlier been told her husband would be able to return with her to Nigeria last Wednesday, only to find out he was in no shape for the trip. She quietly left London alone and appeared in Imo state for an event. recalls that a State House press release by Femi Adesina, spokesman for President Buhari, stated that the president received the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby on a personal visit. The meeting which took place on Friday, August 4 at Abuja House, London was according to Mr Adesina because of the friendship between both men.

“The Archbishop and President Buhari are friends, who share deep respect for each other,” he said in a Facebook post made by Lauretta Onochie, personal assistant to the president on social media matters. Archbishop Welby was reportedly happy to see the president and said he was delighted to see the rapid recovery President Buhari has made from his health challenges. He also noted that it was a testimony to the healing powers of God, and answer to prayers of millions of people round the world. Also, the cleric pledged to continue praying for both President Buhari and Nigeria.

Source: Sahara reporter, and Dailytimes

1 comment:

  1. How did you know that? are you his Doctor?


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