{RELATIIONSHIP} Many benefits of marrying today’s pastors - EazyFeeds

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Saturday 4 June 2016

{RELATIIONSHIP} Many benefits of marrying today’s pastors

Whether you like it or not, pastors have become hot cakes. The jeeps, the lovely accommodations, the ambiance of their environments, but all the more the inexhaustibility of food, meat, oil in the house of God.
Just recently, a woman asked her overriped sister that whatever, whenever God decides to favour her or she finds herself at vigils, she should keep praying that God should bless her with a pastor as husband. You may be thinking that what I am writing about is an exaggerated fantasy, but no, I am telling you what has been going on from Adam, if you don’t know, get educated about this.

The man of God has been blessed and nobody can take it away, for staving off arrows meant for his sheep, brethren or congre­gation; for delivering men and women from the bondage of Sa­tan, the devil; but not their cross anyway. Na only Christ fit do that one. The man of God is being paid for all that he does. And for this wonderful reason, he gets reward for his service and that is why to­day, apart from taking refuge un­der the banner of God, many women struggle to spend the rest of their lives with men of God in order to conquer hunger for the rest of their lives.
If you are in doubt, ok, see what the Holy book said in the book of Malachi, by paying your tithe you are bringing food into the storehouse of God. And in truth, many people are called to­day, and there are various places of prayers today, many in hired and rented apartments, others in one room apartments, many oth­ers either in warehouses, contain­ers, outright open fields, and of course, the mega and semi-me­ga churches where miracles and grace are on your palms and as simple as ABCD.
Don’t even blame the poor woman who held the ear of her sister with the stern warning that she should marry a pastor. To her, her husband may just be one out of the 50 that still hold firm to the nucleus of their calling. After all, the Bible says, seek ye the king­dom of God and every other thing will be added unto you.
You know, when you talk about men of God, we must be careful because “touch not my anointed and do my prophets no harm.” However, many of them have created the room for us to touch the anointed and now we are doing the prophet the harm he deserves. A woman in the market sat down and opened her two legs, she was not ashamed, but when a small child from no­where stood in front of her and began to watch ‘free cinema’, the child was accused of not being ashamed. Many of them have spilled the beans; that is why a lot of them are awaiting the hang man’s noose. But that does not re­ally matter.
What matters now is that, in the house of God, there is refuge, a strong tower and those that run to it are safe, that is the implica­tion of what the woman is saying. Any other thing some people are doing to bring disrepute, like the bad sheep of God’s family, is not her business.
Why won’t they prosper when in fact many people have refused to work but wait for the pastor to see vision for them and carry their cross? Remem­ber, the pastor has no other job except what he does by word of mouth and the meditation of his heart. Therefore, when he calls for offering, seed, building, tithe, thanksgiving offerings, please don’t blame him, he is also un­der obligation to satisfy his wife and other people who look up to him for their welfare.
These days, I’m confused. I find it difficult to say, by their size, who is a politician or a pastor or first lady in the church and first lady in the government! These days you can only compare pas­tors’ wives with that of presidents’ and governors’ wives, and you be­gin to ask, have they abandoned fasting and prayer? For we all know that if you embark on dry-fasting, even for two days, those fats I see in some pastors’ wives won’t be there. Anyway, God for­give me for I don’t even under­stand what I’m writing!
Have you also seen the skin colour of some pastors’ wives? I can’t help but envy them. Pastors now pick the best in the land, do you begrudge them? Those in the service of God deserve the best, and there is no argument about that. So, if you have a pastor’s wife drawing her sister’s ear and en­couraging her to marry a pastor, don’t shudder. She has really got­ten many alerts, now it is time to share the gala and share the blues, the song itself I don’t know the meaning but I still sing it just like any other recent Nigerian music.
Did Jesus say the Son of man has nowhere to lay his head? But today’s pastor has mansions to put their head and lie in water-bed, and private jet where break­fast, lunch and dinner are served by the most shapely molded legs and sculptured chests with two projections pointing to the high heavens. The admonition to mar­ry a pastor today is no longer a call to prayer but that anchored on the sweetness of earthly things.
The road to heaven used to be narrow but today some pas­tors and their wives have made it to be wide and anybody can go into it now after all, they quote, since the time of John the Bap­tist the kingdom of God suffer­eth violence and only the vio­lent can take it. Yes, no wonder, many today could close their eyes and pronounce ‘thus sayeth the Lord’ when indeed, God did not initiate such prophecy or vision. Many of them who want to mar­ry pastors by all means without being yoked together come into the church in minis and sleeve­less tops and cross legs in the front row and expose “unexpos­ables” and those pastors that be­lieve in ‘come as you are’ jump into a bottomless pit and daily they grind their teeth in perpet­ual agony with nobody to either talk to or listen to them. Many of them can’t even go to a bishop or even the Pope for confession or counseling because they are the General Overseers of their own ministries.
My worry, really, I don’t know about you, is why those that should know don’t usually know. Many a time, these pas­tors see ladies that would not per­fect or benefit their ministries yet they would set head and marry these ladies they know have come to steal, to kill and to destroy.

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